Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Taste Of The Carolinas: Part Deux

Where was I? Oh yeah - the Cheerwine kreme-filled Krispy Kreme doughnut that I was supposed to have reviewed 2 months ago...  True to form, I procrastinated and finally got a box of these on July 31, the last day they were available (until 2011 anyway, maybe forever). Essentially, the doughnut was pretty much what I expected.  But I was surprised at how true to the taste of Cheerwine the "kreme" filling was; otherwise there were no big taste explosions or revelations to relate here.

In hindsight, the idea of this doughnut is sort of like a french tickler in a truckstop vending machine - the novelty creates a desire to have one, but what are you really going to do with it?  I know I'm an easy mark (I also want a Shark steam mop based on an infomercial I saw while walking on a treadmill), and I will admit I got ahead of myself with North Carolina pride on this one, because the doughnut itself breaks my entire short list of unwritten doughnut commandments right out of the box: 1) doughnuts shall have holes  2) doughnuts shall not have gooey cream filling, and  3) doughnuts shall not possess an outer layer of frosting and/or sprinkles.

So, to sum it up, the Cheerwine kreme-filled Kripsy Kreme doughnut -- Novel, yes. Edible, quite. A marriage of two NC institutions that make me swell with pride, absolutely. BUT... Krispy Kreme's best offering? Hardly. I'll stick with the original glazed from here on out, and so should you.

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